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2 Thessalonians 1:11



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Gabriela and I (Caleb) are currently serving and living here in Ensenada, Mexico. We love it here. Gabriela is a citizen of Mexico, born and raised right here in Ensenada. I came down about 5 years ago on a mission trip and the rest is history. Now we are married, and loving it!!! If you are not married, try it!  We are thankful for the priviledge that God has given us

Though we pray that we are being faithful were we are at we know also that God is calling us to move to minister in other places in the near future. We are excited and expectant to hear from God what He has in store.ntly we are serving alongside an organization called Baja Love (who gives supplamental aid to children’s homes in the area), Baja Educational Initiative (gives scholarships to underpriviledged kids in the area) and a youth rehab center a little bit farther away. We are missionaries from Adventure Church of Yuba City. We are proud to call it our home and sending church. We have a core team of people who have dedicated themselves to prayer and care for us during our time on the mission field. to meet so many different kins of people from unnumerable walks of life. There are so many different ways people have made it through life! There is only one real way that we can get the most out of life though, that is the Way, the Truth and the LIFE… 

Currently we know that God has us here in Ensenada. However, we are excited and expecant to hear from Him what He has for us next. 


God bless

Ministry in Ensenada

We are so thankful to our Savior for giving us the privilege of serving here in Ensenada. Currently, we are involved with a couple of children's homes around the area, an educational program for underprivileged kids in the community, and a youth rehab center in the center of town. Feel free to move about the site and I hope that it is an encouragement to you. God bless.

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