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Hey Family,

I hope you are doing well. This page I am using this as a forum to put the support team information down. There is a support team that partners with us in the ministry. I don't want to be sent out and only be supported financially. If that does not work for a church, neither does it work for a missionary. If you are not sent you send, but that does not mean you can't have an active part in the ministry!!! 


This team is a group of people partnering with us: morally, prayerfully, logistically, financially, and in communication. There is no way we can do this alone. The partnership does not die when we cross the border to start the work, it is proven necessary.


Support Team Information

Get in touch

We are commissioned by the church, but the mission will live or die along with the life or death of this partnership. I need you to know that I cannot go alone. I am not asking you to support us financially and then tell you -bye. That is just not where our heart is. God has put a passion our hearts, but the only way to do that is with the backing of a partnership with brothers and sisters in Christ.


Please contact me if you would like to partner with us, let me know at and I will get the information that you need for these specific areas. Or send us a message down here. 

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